Today's post comes to us courtesy of K. Cerqueira, an educated gentleman who will today teach us a little more about the philosophy behind Libertarianism.
"There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal." - Hayek
Quick philosophy lesson kids, you've probably heard this one. Say you're
standing next to a train track shortly before a fork junction. On one
side, 5 people lay tied up, and on the other side there's this fat guy.
There's a switch in front of you that you can pull to flip the fork,
sending the train to kill the fat guy while saving the other 5. What do
you do?
Well there was this guy called Kant who didn't precisely have an opinion
on this question (it was devised later by dumber philosophers who write
useless papers for a living, in between giving puerile lectures at
diploma mills) but he did have this to say about it: every action you
take should be in accordance with some universal law which is applicable
in all situations. A set of such universal moral laws is called a
deontology because it proscribes a set of duties. So if your deontology
says something like, thou shalt not murder, then the particulars of the
situation, i.e. the very contrived way in which the consequences are set
up, don't really matter. You'd be killing a guy by pulling the lever,
so you can't contradict yourself by doing so. There are further
complications in this example but we aren't philosophers playing fucked
up language games, so let's keep it simple.
So who the fuck cares. Well we might, because deontologists like Kant
are distinguished from consequentialists (utilitarians) by their view
that it is motives and not consequences that define morality. A
utilitarian might say, pull the lever, because five lives are more
valuable than a single (fat) one. Kant says, if we allow that murder is permissible, we'd have a difficult time universalizing that maxim
without logically contradicting ourselves. If, say, we can't obtain a
self evident universal maxim that justifies pulling the lever, then we
have to conclude that murder is not permissible maybe, and not pull the
lever. What's important is that you act within a framework of universal
Alright so then there's libertarians. Libertarians have a strong view of
rights, naturally, because they're pretty preoccupied with liberty
(hint: it's in the name). That gives us a pretty good idea about the
libertarian deontology. The liberties and rights of individuals are
inviolable, and liberty is the primary universal good, says the
libertarian. This, they say, we take to be our self evident universal
maxim. And we take that to it's logical end to get our ideal model of
the state, namely minimal central authorities that only exist to protect
private liberties, property, and national sovereignty, and so on.
So you pose a thought experiment to a libertarian, that there's a
minority demographic which seems to be systematically underperforming in
economic and social terms. You offer the following dilemma. Option one
is that you can institute various policy measures, special funding for
various social programs and the like, aimed specifically to improve the
econometrics of that demographic. Option two is do nothing.
This is kind of like the train fork story. There are two consequences;
the systemic disadvantages faced by the demographic in question, and the
increased taxation, short term loss of utility, and inconvenience faced
by the rest of society for accommodating the implementation of social
programs and etc. In consequentialist terms, the former is the lesser of
two evils, just like 1 life is less valuable than 5. But the first
option is also a possible impingement upon individual liberties, so
Libertarians get Kunty and say no, this is not the role of the state,
and it isn't fair/moral to do, option two please.
So why do libertarians think personal freedom is so important? Well they
do, for a bunch of reasons. Read John Locke or Ayn Rand if you want to
see why. The point is that they do and that's where they get their
notions of fairness in society. But wait a second, what about all this
free markets shit?
Well there are really two ways to argue for libertarianism. The one we've been talking about is the argument from morality, or deontological libertarianism.
That is, it's the argument that Libertarianism is a good policy because
it is a just policy. Free market arguments for Libertarianism try to
demonstrate that it is practical economic policy. The difference is is
that the latter is a consequentialist view; it is concerned with the
practical consequences of implementing a libertarian state.
Q: Hey, what the fuck. First Libertarians are fuzzy
metaphysicians arguing from some abstract as fuck moral philosophy, now
they're economists?
Well yes, they're often both, but you'll notice the quote above is
basically a normative statement (a statement about the way things should
be), or a statement about fairness. The free markets shit can be
decoupled from the fairness part, although you'll often find
libertarians switching between the two aspects of their ideology in a
fast and loose manner.
So say now that we're consequentialist libertarians who talk a lot about
economics and free markets and shit. Then given the dilemma with the
minority demographic blah blah, we'd again choose option two but not out
of some allegiance to liberty as an abstract universal greatest good,
but because we think that instituting social programs can only result in
a net loss in welfare for everybody. So it's not like the train dilemma
at all, it's as if we could do nothing and let five people die, or pull
the lever and kill twenty more. Why do they think this? Bunch of
reasons, read John Locke or Ayn Rand or Friedrich Hayek I guess. This
free market pandering sort of economics is usually based at least in
part on the theoretical framework of what is called Austrian economics,
which is radically different from mainstream Keynesian economics.
Wikipedia that shit.
Q: First we based libertarianism on metaphysical moral grounds and
saw that it was maybe a little too silly to run a country with, and then
we talked about an economic reasoning which got rid of the silly part.
It seems like Libertarians say that their ideas are fair except when
they're not fair in which case it's the magic of economics that makes it
practical which makes it fair. Isn't the economics side of the argument
just contrived to make the moral side of it less stupid?
Q: One more question. If the demographic minority in your
example are some ethnic minority like blacks or hispanics, what do the
libertarians have to say about that?
A bunch of things. At any rate they believe that any policy that amounts
to affirmative action is unjust and shouldn't be implemented, and
anything that causes undue taxation is definitely bad anyway. Some
believe that the whole problem of racial discrimination is something
that will sort itself out if the the government would ever stop
meddling, or at least that it's something that the government can't make
any better. Others believe that, given the same rights and freedoms,
any two groups have the same potential for prosperity in a free market,
so that any difference in incomes is concluded to be a result of a
difference in aptitude among those two groups. That is, to defend free
markets as equitable, it might be necessary to argue for racism (or
racialism or race realism or whatever the fuck ever).
Q: That's pretty fucking convenient for anyone arguing against
libertarianism. Just play the race card and you're done! Isn't that kind
of lame?
It can be pretty lame, but racism is consistent with libertarianism,
even if it isn't a mainstream view. It can't be the case that free
markets secure the best social and economic outcomes for the population
if some are systemically discriminated against for no economic reason.
For the vast majority of libertarians who aren't (overtly) racist, they
have to address the problem of differences in income across different
ethnicities and demographics, which can't be explained economically if
there is no heritable difference in aptitude between say, blacks and
whites. If you're a racist, then you have a tidy explanation for that
income disparity and hence, you don't have a problem here.
That's all, hope it was educational. Know what you're arguing for or against.
And so we witness the end.
11 years ago
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