Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Read the News Today, Oh Boy

I was watching the news at work on Friday morning. They were reporting on the situation in Mumbai, and at the time were just confirming the deaths of everyone in the Chabad center, and the man from Virginia and his 13 year old daughter. A death toll of over 150 (and probably a good deal more) lost to a wave of indiscriminate bullets and grenades; people being held hostage in places and symbols of refuge like hotels, train stations, and community centers.

And then the very next story was about a woman being trampled to death here in America at a Black Friday sale.

And you mean to tell me that while people a world away are being callously and viciously murdered by terrorists filled with fear, hate, and an active disregard for human life, here at home people are still dying on that same day because we can't stand in a fucking line?

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