Please check Part 1 for our mission statement and introductions to our first six Gentlemen.
Here are the remaining six -
Adam Winer - Newly minted Assignment Editor (in training) at NBC4 here in the district, Adam is also a former General Manager of WMUC. He's currently a DJ there as well, establishing his new MUCRakers program to help address local issues in College Park. He continued the long running WMUC tradition of getting fired from the Diamondback, where he was a film critic, and can still be found opining on the world of cinema at his personal blog ireviewfilm. Here at These Gentlemen he's known for his inisightful articles on current events, culture, and getting defensive when people critique the media. His '5 Rich People Most Likely to Pull Off Batman' is our most widely read post yet. Also, half the city has seen him naked.
Damien Nichols - A former president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), Damo is a noted local activist in the areas of drug policy and the environment. Much like Mr. Pratt, there's a high likelihood that one day Damien will be entering the field of public service, though most likely on opposite sides of the ticket. Damo's unique and accerbic writing style is most often applied to the political sphere, where his one of a kind brand of cerebral humor and scathing analysis has provoked some of our liveliest discussions. A self described 'professional smart-ass' with no fear of polarizing his audience, his biggest concern is that if he hasn't left you thinking, he hasn't been trying hard enough.
Scotty Maxwell - The current General Manager of WMUC (are you sensing a lineage yet?), Scotty continues the proud tradition of Gentlemen to hold that post - and currently on his second term, he's done an incredible job so far. His heart is given over to his one true love, and as the host of Leave the Hall: True Metal Radio, he's been dishing out that love weekly for years. Forged in the fire of the world, he is the elder statesman of our group, and we kneel before his words as we would the Viking Prince he oft resembles.
Brittany Graham - Brit is an actress and freelance costume designer whose work can next be seen in the costumes of "Not Such Stuff" with the Venus Theatre Company. In addition to her theatrical work, she's also a web designer and will hopefully be teaming up with Dan in our continual advancements of the site. She's one of our three newest Gentlemen, with a noted interest in art and fashion, and can geek it up with the best of them. Eat your heart out.
Ali Daniels - The next of our three most recent additions, Ali is currently a scenic painter at Baltimore's CenterStage, as well as an actress and freelance sound designer. Don't expect any spelling errors in her posts as Ali is a hardcore grammar fiend - and she won't be afraid to correct you either. Intensely bright and deeply spiritual, Ali has slice of life stories to spare, and promises to further tackle the world of sports - the land I fear to tread.
John Barkmeyer - A modern day renaissance man, John is a triple major in English, Theater, and Psychology at the University of Maryland, as well as a Gemstone scholar; and is following the impressive trend of Gentlemen attending law school in the fall. In addition to his academic credentials John is also a talented actor and playwright. What John may write about remains a mystery at present, but one can assume it will be filled with depth and humor, and avidly consumed as scripture by a small but dedicated following who have created a facebook group hailing him as a god.
And a look at a few of our ongoing series. If you see one of thse in the title, this is what you can expect -
Stuff I Love - Every Tuesday, Dan Strauss profiles something he loves. Past editions include Oasis, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and popcorn. Maybe in the future it'll be you.
One Year in Four Colors - Jason reviews every graphic novel he reads in 2009. Upcoming editions include the second part of Alan Moore: Wild Worlds, The Authority: Under New Management, and Wildcats: Serial Boxes.
(Casa)Nova - Once a week Max Nova answers your questions about love, sex, friendship, parenting, and relationships in all their forms in his unmistakable style. Feel free to post a question on this post, or e-mail me.
A History of Justice - Jason is going through every single member of the venerable Justice League of America and explaining what makes each of these characters so damn cool. Next up - Batman!
Video Games and Myth - Ozkirbas takes a look at the mythological underpinnings in some his favorite video games in order to give a real critical look at what might soon become noted as a modern day art form. Got a suggestion for a game? Post it, baby.
A History of the Electoral College - A font of American political knowledge, David Pratt is going back in time and exploring every election in our country's history - detailing the players and the circumstances by which the losers became footnotes and the winners legends.
Memory Shuffle - Oz takes a look back into that brain of his to take note of the people and memories that oddly stand out, even if there's no clear reason why they should.
And where do we go from here?
Coming soon - the return of The Roundtable, a new idea for discussion posts Max and I have batted around, and the very near future our very first podcast! Now is a great time to be a follower of These Gentlemen, and we welcome you.
We are but Gentlemen, and we are here to entertain you.
And so we witness the end.
11 years ago
Not gonna lie, I had to look up "accerbic" which, btw, is spelled "acerbic."
Beat Ali to it!
Steve (Bodnar, not Bragale) thinks I'm dumb for agonizing over the last sentence in your original draft of mine.
I actually changed it for my own reasons
No cryptic messages here... share with the class! What was this fretful sentence, pray tell? :)
no its cool brit, i suggested changing it as well... and i nitpicked my own draft too much.
I didn't even think to obsess over it. What a shame! For sure there are some edits I would have made.
"Opposite sides of the ticket" indeed, sir!
"Don't expect any spelling errors in her posts as Ali is a hardcore grammar fiend"
Spelling is not grammar, and grammar is not spelling. It is quite easy to be perfect in one and massacre another. It offends me that you have likened my beautiful, logical, language-clarifying grammar with vulgar almost-arbitrary spelling. Hrumph!
I noticed that too, Nash. Didn't say anything cuz, well, I'm no english major.
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